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Dhalgren Gallery

Tue, 17 Sep 2024 08:08:17

Emmanuelle Aussedat : Lithographs

Both painting and lithographic work is about the color black: Essence of black! Use the black color to seize the expressive and sensual power of the line or the form to express landscapes, borders, or rhythms, cadences,.. A specific musicality inducted into reality; Black color that organizes, structures, wide colored fields. No abstraction! But an attempt to conduct the troubling experience of painting; “from memory” to abstract from reality; No great pictorial subjects! But chosen subjects; confidential observations that release their secrets; the organic intimacy of things or, with an offbeat humor, the transcription of the barcode idea, or of the catalogues for technical supplies. Paint, Draw! Canvas, Paper, Limestone, Paste, Ink, Brush, Pencil, .. as many vectors that lead to the pleasure and obvious ancestral enjoyment of pictorial act. JFP.
by Emmanuelle Aussedat

C1 - Cactus Andalou red
2002 - 1200 eur
Lithography 105x75cm BFK Rives 270grs Epreuve unique
C1 - Cactus Andalou red

C2 - Cactus Andalou green
2002 - 1200 eur
Lithography 105x75cm BFK Rives 270grs Epreuve unique
C2 - Cactus Andalou green

C3 - Vegetal Whale MM/28 – blue
2001 - 500 eur
Lithography 56x76cm BFK Rives 250grs Epreuve unique
C3 - Vegetal Whale MM/28 – blue

C4 - Vegetal Whale WW/28 – noir
2001 - 500 eur
Lithography 56x76cm BFK Rives 250grs Epreuve unique
C4 - Vegetal Whale WW/28 – noir

C5 - Yellow Clover
2001 - 400 eur
Lithography 65x50cm BFK Rives 250grs Epreuve unique
C5 - Yellow Clover

C6 - Red Clover
2001 - 350 eur
Lithography 65x50cm BFK Rives 250grs 15 épreuves d’artiste
C6 - Red Clover

C7 - BVN (Vegetal Whale Novotel)
2001 - 350 eur
Lithography 65x50cm BFK Rives 250grs 15 épreuves d’artiste
C7 - BVN (Vegetal Whale Novotel)

B1 – CBN (Novotel 2007 Red
2007 - 350 eur
Lithography 65x50cm BFK Rives 250grs 15 épreuves d’artiste
B1 – CBN (Novotel 2007 Red

B2 – Vertical Lines
2005 - 500 eur
Lithography 63x73cm BFK Rives 270grs 11 copies
B2 – Vertical Lines

B3 – Vertical Lines
2005 - 500 eur
Lithography 63x73cm BFK Rives 270grs 11 copies
B3 – Vertical Lines

B4 – Vertical Lines
2005 - 500 eur
Lithography 63x73cm BFK Rives 270grs 11 copies
B4 – Vertical Lines

B5 – Codigo
2007 - 400 eur
Lithography 56x76cm BFK Rives 250grs 12 copies
B5 – Codigo

B6 – Codigo loco
2007 - 400 eur
Lithography 56x76cm BFK Rives 250grs 12 copies
B6 – Codigo loco

B7 – Manutan page1122
2007 - 400 eur
Lithography 56x76cm BFK Rives 250grs 12 copies
B7 – Manutan page1122

B8 – Vertical Lines 1
2005 - 400 eur
Lithography 76x56cm BFK Rives 250grs 10 copies
B8 – Vertical Lines 1

B9 – Vertical Lines 2
2005 - 400 eur
Lithography 76x56cm BFK Rives 250grs 12 copies
B9 – Vertical Lines 2

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